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Waterproofing Foundation Walls from Outside (Unplastered, Dry-Laid Walls)

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Waterproofing Foundation Walls from Outside (Unplastered, Dry-Laid Walls)

The surface to be treated must be free from soil, dust, dirt, rust and grease; loose particles must be scraped off. Pointed tips and corners must be filleted.

Emilkote, after having mixed with 20% water, must be applied as an undercoat with a bitumen brush or pistol. For best results the undercoat must dry up for at least 4-5 hours, or overnight before the application of the next layer.

Large cracks and moving joints are filled with Emulderz Joint Filling Paste. (Figure 1) After having completed the undercoating and filling applications, the first coat of Styrokote – the liquid membrane with thermal insulation– is applied with a trowel and then the rebar mesh is pressed and adhered onto it before Styrokote dries up. A second coat of Styrokote is applied onto the rebar mesh to complete the insulation. For best results, it is recommended to wait for a day between the application of any two coats.

To protect insulation from any damage during backfilling, a briquette wall can be laid or else it must be coated with Puntodrain PK drainage board.

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